Friday, July 20, 2012

Reedham grandmother recounts horror dog attack

UNITED KINGDOM -- A grandmother has called for dogs to be kept on leads after her pet was attacked.

Jo MacDonald was walking her dog, eight-year-old west highland terrier Hamish along Mill Road in Reedham on Tuesday when he was attacked by another dog, believed to be a Staffordshire bull terrier.

Mrs MacDonald, a retired school secretary, said: “We were approaching the bridge and I saw a large dog coming over the top of the bridge. I saw it and I knew it was going to be trouble. It was a vicious looking dog.”

She turned around and started to walk the other way but the other dog started chasing her.

“It launched itself at my dog and there was no way I could get it off,” she said.

“I was screaming and shouting and kicking. I thought the dog had bitten Hamish’s tail off. I thought Hamish was dead and his eyes had glazed over.

“Hamish didn’t bark at the other dog - it was an unprovoked attack.”

A passer-by who had stopped to help then drove Mrs MacDonald and her dog to a vet in Acle.

“The vet kept him in overnight. He had been badly bitten on his shoulder and the wound required staples and stitches,” said the grandmother of four who lives in Riverside, Reedham.

“I feel very strongly that dogs should be kept on leads. The other dog wasn’t on a lead and it wasn’t with anyone.

“When you see a dog which isn’t on a lead charging towards you it’s a very frightening experience.

“I’m terrified to take him out for a walk. We have some very nice walks around Reedham which are secluded and if I had met this dog on one of those walks I don’t know if we would still be here.”

Mrs MacDonald has reported the incident to Norfolk Constabulary. At the time of going to press the police were unable to comment.

(BDPostUK - July 19, 2012)