Saturday, September 8, 2012

Conway man arrested on two counts felony animal cruelty

ARKANSAS -- Conway police arrested Michael Woole, 1555 East German Lane, on two felony counts of animal cruelty Tuesday.

Woole, 34, was the suspect in the possible death of two dogs beaten over the head repeatedly with a baseball bat, according to the Conway Police Department.

A neighbor and witness called police Thursday of last week when he allegedly saw Woole beating the dogs in a pen at his home.

According to the witness, when he approached Woole at the time of the incident, Woole stated he was “putting the dogs down.”

A CPD incident report stated the witness told police he saw Woole load the dogs into the back of a truck and leave the area.

In an interview with police, Woole stated he was not beating the dogs, but used a shovel to usher the dogs into another pen, according to La Tresha Woodruff, CPD public information officer.

Woodruff said an animal welfare officer who responded to the scene took photos of blood inside and around the pen.

In the interview, Woole denied striking the animals or causing them to bleed, Woodruff said.

Formal charges were filed against Woole by Prosecuting Attorney Cody Hiland Tuesday.

The two counts of animal cruelty are class D felonies, punishable up to six years in prison.

“The way the statute is written, you have to engage in some pretty egregious behavior before it reaches the level of felony animal cruelty, and the use of a baseball bat to beat the animals to death, we feel certainly rises to the level of activity that would warrant a felony charge,” said Hiland.

The act allowing felony charges for cruelty to animals was passed in 2009 and applies to horses, dogs and cats.

Hiland said the animals have to be tortured for the felony status to apply, as defined by the statute.

Woole was released on a $5,000 bond the day he was arrested. His court date is September 17.

(The Cabin - Sept 4, 2012)