Sunday, September 23, 2012

Drunken Bithlo man fatally shot landlord's two dogs, deputies say

FLORIDA -- A Bithlo man was charged with animal cruelty after deputies said he shot two dogs to death while he was intoxicated because his friend complained that the animals were a nuisance, an arrest report said.

Joshua Groskey, 31, is accused of shooting Roxy, a pit bull, and Chopper, a pit bull-mastiff mix, at a home his friend, Jay Miller, was renting because the dogs were defecating all over the yard.

Both men had been drinking Wednesday night when Groskey went to the shed about 11:15 p.m. and fired three shots, witnesses told deputies.

A neighbor, Angel Roman, was out that night smoking a cigarette when he heard the first few shots and a dog whining and yelping.

Then, one more shot went off and the whimpering stopped, the report said.

Roman said he heard noises like something was being loaded onto a truck bed and a voice say, "Take care of it." He later saw Groskey's white pickup leave the area.

Groskey covered up the blood with a piece of carpet, Miller told deputies.

The dogs belonged to Miller's landlord, Charles Boisclair, who lives less than a mile away from the Shephard Road home where the shooting happened.

After the shooting, Groskey allegedly called Boisclair and made cryptic remarks and jokes about how "he had taken care of the dogs."

Boisclair grew suspicious because he heard the shot earlier and called authorities.

MIller eventually told deputies Groskey had shot the dogs. He didn't initially report the killing because Groskey threatened to shoot him, the report said.

When deputies confronted Groskey at his home, he said he was sorry for joking about the dog but could not write a statement because he is illiterate.

Groskey's brother wrote the statement but it is unclear whether the man admitted to shooting the dogs.

He was arrested and bonded out of the Orange County Jail.

(Orlando Sentinel - September 22, 2012)