Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Former Snyder police dog bites child

OKLAHOMA -- A Southwest Oklahoma mother said a dog viciously bit her young daughter and she's learned the dog used to be a police dog. Now officials in Kiowa County are investigating.

The mother of 8 year old Skyy Petro said the German Shepherd was given to a family friend by the Snyder Police Department last Monday.

On Friday, Skyy visited those friends and they asked her if she wanted to pet the dog. She did, and when she put her hand on the dog's collar, it snapped and bit her face several times.

Skyy was all smiles when we talked Monday. As for the dog, officials will not say where it is now, just that they are still investigating the situation. She is just working to recover physically from the attack.

"It's mostly my ear hurting, because I've got like 30 stitches."

Pictures were taken just a few moments after she had stitches put in to close gashes on the right side of her face about an inch from her eye and underneath her chin.

"I felt really bad."

Her older brother Chase said he was sitting on a couch, just a few feet from his sister when the dog snapped.

"I got frightened and just laid back on the couch."

Their mother, Stacey Edgar, was sitting in a truck parked outside the friend's home when she heard Skyy's horrific screams, she rushed inside.

"We were trying to calm her down but I needed to calm down myself. We just looked at it, I just saw it gashed open and I just took her to the emergency room."

Edgar said she was told the dog had been trained as a police dog.

"I just know it came from the chief. That he gave the dog to my friend and she had it a few days and we went and visited and that's what happened."

"I've been asked about this incident on the dog bite within the city limits and the dog was put in the city pound. At this time there are some matters being investigated and I have advised the chief of police and the other city personnel, while this is a pending investigation we have no comment," Shane McLaury, Snyder City Attorney, said

While the investigation continues Edgar would like to make sure this doesn't happen again.

"I'd like for the dog to be put down so it doesn't bite another kid."

Meanwhile Skyy is looking for another outcome.

"Retrain it to be a nice doggy."

Skyy also mentioned that what happened to her does not change her view on dogs, she still loves them.

As for the owner, we reached out to them for a comment, but they declined to say anything.

Snyder officials are not saying how the long the investigation may take, but we will keep you informed on the outcome of the investigation.

(KSWO - Sept 24, 2012)