Friday, September 21, 2012

'Help us find owner of dogs that savaged cat' say RSPCA

UNITED KINGDOM -- THE RSPCA is urging Tamworth residents to help them identify the owner of two dogs which mauled a pet cat to death.

The Herald exclusively broke the story last week after CCTV footage captured the Lurchers mauling five-year-old cat Mercedes on the drive of her home in Belgrave.

Heartbroken couple Neil Watton and Angela Ball made the grave discovery after returning home early from their holiday.

The footage, which since appearing on last week's Herald front page has been reported by media outlets across the world, captures a man shooing away the dogs before tossing the cat's lifeless body into a wheelie bin.

The RSPCA is now appealing for people to come forward with the identity of the dog's owner.

And Mr Watton and Ms Ball, of Shannon, are also offering £100 for information which leads to the identity of the dog's owner being revealed.

Judith Haw, a spokesperson for animal welfare charity RSPCA, said: "Anyone that knows the man we want them to get in to contact as we would like to speak to him.

"Clearly he did not have charge or control of his dogs and legally a dog owner should have charge and control of their dog in a public place.

"If you own dogs that you know are likely to attack small animals then as a responsible dog owner you should have your dogs on a lead and possibly muzzled.

"Some breeds of dog are likely to chase small animals as it is in their nature and if you own such a breed you must take measures to prevent such attacks.

"This is certainly a shocking incident which has caused understandable upset to the cat owners. Someone must know who the owner is and I would urge them to call in to the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999."

(Tamworth Herald - September 21, 2012)