Sunday, September 23, 2012

Owner left dog to suffer fatal leg wound untreated for eight months

UNITED KINGDOM -- This horrific image of emaciated Zak the dog is the reason why Irvine’s Stuart McCreadie has been banned for LIFE from keeping animals.

The 10-year-old German Shepherd was left to die - with sores on his leg - by his cruel owner.
Zak was unable to stand and could not eat after months of neglect by cruel owner McCreadie.

When he was found, vets had to make the decision to put the dog to sleep to end his pain.

And, following an investigation by the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, SSPCA, a sheriff at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court made the decision to ban McCreadie from keeping animals for life.

McCreadie, of Etive Place, Irvine, received a lifetime ban and was also fined £500 at the court on Thursday.

He pled guilty to the charge of causing Zak unnecessary suffering by failing to seek veterinary treatment for a large untreated wound on the dog’s leg, which was so severe the animal had to be put to sleep.

In addition, Zak was found to be emaciated, unable to stand, his coat was severely matted due to discharge from a wound, and he had a painful blood-filled swelling in his ear.

SSPCA Inspector Janet Proudlock said: “We are pleased McCreadie has been given a ban on keeping animals as we believe it is an appropriate punishment given the severity of Zak’s condition.

“This was a very sad case where an elderly pet had been left to suffer over a prolonged period of time.

“McCreadie admitted that he had first become aware of Zak’s leg wound eight months prior to our visit, but he ignored the problem and allowed Zak’s condition to deteriorate to such an extent vets had no option but to end his suffering.

“All pet owners have a responsibility to ensure their animals receive the veterinary attention they require. Basic care is an important part of looking after an animal.”

(Irvine Herald - Sept 21, 2012)