Sunday, September 9, 2012

White Lake woman whose goat was killed by dogs wants state law changed

MICHIGAN -- When Linda Davis went home for lunch from her daycare job on a late August day, she heard a commotion coming from a pen on her White Lake property.

“I went out there and saw my pet goat Norman was being attacked by two dogs,” Davis said.

Her beloved pet died as a result of the attack, and now Davis is on a mission to get laws related to dog attacks changed.

Davis had owned Norman — part Nubian and part Alpine goat — for the past eight years. The goat was friendly with people, she said.

On Aug. 24, Davis was home for the lunch hour. She walked outdoors and called the goat’s name.

“Normally, he comes running,” she said. “I heard gurgling, and I saw one dog at the fence and the other dog had him (Norman) down.”

Davis stayed back, worried the unfamiliar dogs might turn on her and called 911.

White Lake Police came immediately, she said.

They contacted Oakland County Animal Control, which then removed the dogs, which were Akitas, a larger husky-type dog.

“It was horrific to witness,” said Davis of the attack.

“Norman was the sweetest, most docile animal,” she said.

County officials approved allowing Davis to bury Norman on the property.

At first, Davis thought the dogs might be returned to their owners, but no owners ever showed up to deal with them at the county’s shelter.

By law, the dogs were quarantined for the minimum four days. The dogs were euthanized on Aug. 31.

In dealing with her pet’s death, Davis learned the state’s Dangerous Animals law, Act 426 of 1988, does not address dogs killing pets.

Davis is urging the state to amend the law and has contacted state representatives.  When hearing of Davis’ mission, Oakland County Animal Control Manager Lawrence Obrecht said, “I’d be supportive of that. The act is antiquated.”

Davis’ representative in Lansing, State Rep. Eileen Kowall (R, White Lake), said she is aware of cases where dogs have killed livestock and the dog’s owner then compensated the owner for loss of livestock.

But as for animals attacked other than dogs, “we need to look into that, and how far do you go with it,” she said. “I hope to find a reasonable solution for her.”

People who have comments about changing the Dangerous Animals Act should email Kowall or write to Rep. Eileen Kowall, P.O. Box 30014, State Capitol, Lansing MI 48909.

Davis hopes the law could be changed.

“Norman didn’t deserve to die like that,” she said.

(Oakland Press - Sept 8, 2012)