Monday, October 22, 2012

After months of recovery, dog abandoned in Ottawa County ditch is ready for new home

MICHIGAN -- After five months of recovery, Corporal, a malnourished dog that was found in a ditch by the side of the road, is ready for a new home.

When the border collie mix arrived at the Harbor Humane Society on May 23, he weighed 15 pounds.

“He could barely stand,” said Lisa Lungaro, the humane society’s executive director.

Corporal, who is estimated to be between 12 and 18 months old, was brought to the shelter after a pedestrian found him in a ditch.

“His eyes clouded over with infection and not focusing, and he was unable to eat on his own,” said Lungaro.

Now, she says “he is doing really well and ready for a home.”

“He is still a bit underweight, but he has recovered more than we ever thought he would,” said Lungaro.

She says his recovery has been complete and there are only a few concerns regarding his health.

“New owners are advised to keep an eye on kidney function, just in case. Other than that, no other special needs,” said Lungaro.

She also highlighted the important role staff played in Corporal’s recovery.

“Thanks to Harbor's Hope Fund for severely injured and ill animals, Corporal received around-the-clock emergency care as he steadily regained weight and strength, and staff monitored his health for malnutrition-related damage,” she said.

“The public helped us a lot. Thanks to Facebook, people responded with donations,” said Lungaro.

According to Sue Culp, director of development, Corporal has been neutered and his new owners will need to do a little training where food is involved.

“Because he was so severely starved, he will take food out of your hand if he gets the chance!” she said.

Harbor Humane Society charges a $125 adoption fee.

(MLive - Oct 1, 2012)
