Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dog ban after vicious attack

UNITED KINGDOM -- A Winsford man has been banned from owning a dog for five years after two children were repeatedly bitten by a pit bull type dog on Grange Park.

The 17-year-old appeared at Chester Magistrates Court on Thursday, October 4, after his dog attacked one-year-old James Berry and seven-year-old Thomas Berry as they played in the park on September 29.

Baby James suffered a bite to his thigh while brother Thomas was left with five separate puncture wounds.

Lisa Berry, mother of the youngsters, called for tighter control on certain breeds of dogs.

The offender was referred to a youth offending panel for 12 months and disqualified from owning a dog for five years.

The court also ordered that the dog in question be destroyed.

Inspector Dave Snasdell from Winsford NPU, said: “Incidents like this are uncommon, but I would want to reassure the public that we take matters such as this very seriously and will take the necessary action once all the evidence has been gathered.

“We will do all we can to protect and ensure the safety of our community from the dangers that can be posed by illegal breeds of dog or owners who fail to properly control their pets.”

(Guardian UK - Oct 9, 2012)