Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dog savaged outside Tamworth Co-op shows signs of recovery

UNITED KINGDOM -- A little dog which had "half her face ripped off" in a savage attack by another dog is on the road to recovery – and this week started to wag her tail again.

Coco the dog suffered life-threatening injuries after being attacked as she sat outside the Co-operative store on Glascote Road last week.

Owner Jenny Nicklin said she had been overwhelmed with support from the public.

The incident happened on September 25 and at the time of going to press last week Coco had been undergoing an emergency op at St Mary's Veterinary Surgery.

The dog came through and is recovering at home.

"She's doing OK," Jenny said. "But it's going to be a long time before she recovers fully.

"It has been touch and go; she had a temperature on Saturday and needed further treatment. But this week she started to wag her tail again."

Police are trying to trace the owner of the dangerous dog, concerned that it might attack again.

Officers are said to be looking at CCTV images.

"Fortunately her eye and ear were not affected," Jenny continued. "The vet said it could take her six to eight weeks to recover. She has also got to build up her confidence. When she's outside she sits down and panics, shakes.In the house she's fine. But this has affected her physically and mentally."

Jenny said the response from the public had been "amazing".

"I just want to say a huge, huge thank you to everyone. People have been really kind and have felt it in their hearts. Even people who do not know me have been stopping me to ask how Coco is. The response has been huge."

Anyone who saw the incident or who has any information should contact Tamworth police, by dialling 101.

The attacking dog, a Staffordshire bull terrier, was said to be tan and white in colour. The owner was thought to be in his late 30s, of medium height, wearing a navy top and jeans.

(Tamworth Herald - Oct 9, 2012)