Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dog survives 'ruff' ride in truck engine

CALIFORNIA -- Chevy is named after the truck that took him on his 100-mile journey from Chino to Camp Pendleton last week.

Jaime Magana heard a sound coming from the engine, pulled over, popped the hood and discovered the dog. Chevy got the once-over at a local animal shelter, but workers say he is fine.

"I can, I can tell that he was a little scared 'cause he was shaking a little bit," Magana said. "But I was expecting to see something else, really. I never thought that the dog was going to be in one piece."

Now, they are working to find his owner. If they cannot, the man who drove him there wants to take him home.

"What I went through with the dog ... and I have to, I have to have him," Magana said. "I have to. I gotta have him."

Magana says he had seen the dog wandering around his neighborhood. He has no idea how the dog managed to wedge himself into the engine.

(9news.com - Oct 8, 2012)