Wednesday, October 3, 2012

North Dallas woman attacked by pit bulls

TEXAS -- A Dallas woman said she was in a fight for her life and the lives of her two small dogs last week when they were attacked by two pit bulls in her northeast Dallas neighborhood.


Sandra McKenzie said she and her dogs Sweetie and Petey were out walking like they've done almost every day over the past two years.

"Just as we turned the corner from Dorchester to Yeager the dogs that we normally see every day on our walk, they came busting through the gate," she said. "Before I knew it they were on top of me.

McKenzie remembers letting go of Sweetie's leash. The little dog ran away in fear.

"And then I remember jumping up. That's when the one dog bit me here," she said. "Took a chunk out of my leg. There's probably 50 stitches on the inside."

She said she had to pry Petey from one of the pit's jaws. She sacrificed herself to protect him.

"After I had laid down on top of Petey like this and that's when he was chewing my arm up," she said. "The flap was hanging down like this. I could see my bone."

McKenzie said as painful as the attack was what hurt more was the fact that people stood and watched and no one even lifted a rock to try to help her.

"I was just screaming, ‘Somebody help me. Somebody help me.' And there was a guy standing on his front porch and he just looked at me and walked in the house," she said. "I always thought people would try to do the right thing or try to do something."

McKenzie was able to retrieve Sweetie after the attack and Petey is finally home from the vet's office. She's also grateful to the plastic surgeon that put her arm and leg back together.

But she still wants the dogs gone. She went to the city on Tuesday to file a vicious dog affidavit hoping to keep the one pit bull that was picked up by animal control from being released this Saturday.

"By filing this I'm hoping the dog will be put down. If it was a child it would have killed a child," she said.

The city is expected to rule on her affidavit later this week.

(myfoxdfw - Oct 2, 2012)