Wednesday, October 3, 2012

NY woman recovering from pit bull attack

NEW YORK -- A suburban woman was nursing her wounds and mourning the death of her dog following a vicious attack on Tuesday.

Josephine Catalfamo told CBS 2′s Dick Brennan that she was walking her 11-pound French breed named “Ane” on Florence Street when a neighbor’s pit bull grabbed her dog and refused to let go.

“I was punching him. No, please, let her go,” she said.

By the time the pitbull’s owner came out and pulled the dogs apart it was too late.

Catalfamo’s finger tip was torn off in the attack. She said she’s currently taking pain killers and that she is having trouble sleeping.

Neighbors described the horrific attack and said they want the pitbull removed from the neighborhood. They have circulated a petition that has been signed by 46 people.

“I’m petrified. To have my daughter walk our dog, it could have been us,” neighbor Kim Stein said.

Catalfamo agreed, telling CBS 2 that she doesn’t want to see the pit bull again.

( - Oct 2, 2012)