Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pit bull attacks horse

INDIANA -- All dogs can be disobedient at times but not that many decide to take on a full-grown horse. A pit bull got loose from its owners and left a family’s horses covered in lacerations and tears.

“Around two o’clock on Saturday we got a call from the owner of the horses actually saying that something had happened- there had been a dog that attacked," said Lisa Grove, Humane Society of Saint Joseph County.

Salty the horse is slowly recovering with the help of veterinarian visits. She has a huge gash on the right side of her face and bites along her front right leg, front left leg and rear right leg. 

The pit bull is doing doggy time in quarantine at the Humane Society in Mishawaka because it's rabies shots were past due. State law requires the Humane Society to keep the dog for ten days—but its free to go home to its owner after the quarantine period.

[I'm not quite sure why this news station is choosing to make light of this story. The first sentence almost makes it sound as if they're impressed that the pit bull 'decided to take on a full-grown horse'. And then referring to the pit bull having been impounded as 'doing doggy time'. Would they be so cavalier if this were a child instead of a horse??]

[from the video clip]...The dog's owners took it out for a day of fun but suddenly it took off after an animal almost five times its size.  "They'd taken the dog with them and had been garage-saling that day and it jumped out of the window and went after the horses. Apparently the owners tried to call him off but he wouldn't listen to them at that point."

Salty the horse now has a huge gash on the right side of his face and bites along three of its four legs. The horse put up quite a fight, but damaged its hooves in the process

“As far as the severity of the injuries and things like that our director has to look over that to determine," said Grove. "But if they do live in the city they do have to obtain a dangerous dog license before it can go home for a pit bull.”

The owner of the pit bull was not reached at the time of the story.

( -  Oct 9, 2012)