Sunday, October 21, 2012

Truck driver cited for leaving dog in newspaper rack

NEBRASKA -- The truck driver from Oakland, Calif., said he was trying to keep his puppy safe, but Lincoln's Animal Control felt differently about it.

Nebyou Brook said he left his 7- to 9-week-old terrier in a newspaper rack because he didn't want to leave it in his truck, and he knew he couldn't take it into the fast-foot restaurant where he was getting some lunch late Saturday morning.

But a Lincoln man who saw the 41-year-old truck driver pop the pup into the box plunked in $1 and retrieved it, according to police reports.

Animal Control cited Brook for animal neglect, but allowed him to keep the puppy.

“We were able to talk to the owner of the dog and discuss why that’s a problem,” Animal Control Manager Steve Beal said.

(Lincoln Journal Star - Oct 18, 2012)