Monday, November 19, 2012

Dog Bites Meter Reader

ARKANSAS -- Postal workers, meter readers and people in other occupations who visit homes are trained how to recognize and handle threatening dogs.

But despite knowing what to do, not all attacks can be avoided.

This report includes a photograph of an injury inflicted by a pit bull. It is not a pretty sight and not for the squeamish. But the woman wounded hopes that after seeing it, White County residents will agree with her that a vicious dog ordinance is needed.

The terror of Oak View Meadows moved out a couple weeks ago.

That is somewhat good news for Entergy meter reader Brenda Haney….although now she wonders where she might run into the pit bull that attacked her ten weeks ago again.

"The dog had broke his teeth off in my leg," says Haney.  "And I had heard that. I heard the teeth break off. I wasn't sure if he had broken his teeth off or if he had actually broke one of my bones."

The dog was chained to a pet carrier but strong enough to drag the carrier in order to get to Haney.

Mobile home park manager Sandra Fulmer says the owner of the dog, Aimee Wilcoxson or Aimee Panas…hadn't paid rent in ten months and refused to move out. 

Fulmer says both the woman and her dog were a menace to the other tenants.

"She cussed everyone in the trailer park," says Fulmer.  "She would not put her dog up. It bit several people."

"I'm really frustrated that there are no laws," says Haney.  "I'm frustrated that the dog could attack a child and then be allowed to attack someone else.  And it is still out there and it will attack again."

We're told Aimee Wilcoxson or Aimee Panas is now living with her dog and a large number of cats somewhere in the Beebe or Antioch area.

We tried unsuccessfully to find her and her phone does not accept incoming calls.

(KATV - Nov 16, 2012)

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