It doesn't seem so. Scoggins will have the right to appeal, but our expert on police matters (infractions) says the Deshler High graduate's conduct was so unbecoming of an officer that there would be no chance of winning.
Apparently, after the misdemeanor charges relating to killing the deer on TVA property have been adjudicated, the ABI could assist Muscle Shoals in charging Scoggins with a felony.
We've been inundated with e-mails concerning Scoggins, running 15 to one in favor of, well, up to doing bodily harm to the man. We're not ever in favor of violence, but we have to admit those who are seeking to reclaim money given to Scoggins last summer are very vocal about it.

We usually consider a gift a gift, but we didn't contribute to the shamed officer. Yet most of us have given to someone who claimed to be in need only to find out we'd been scammed. Isn't it better to do that than not to give to someone who's in desperate need?
If anyone does wish to pursue any charges in connection to Scoggins' plea for money after his home burned, you should contact either the Colbert County District Attorney or the Attorney General's office in Montgomery.

We are still receiving a few communications stating Scoggins shot the deer for food. It seems Scoggins' wife left him two months ago, ostensibly citing cruelty, and the deer slayer had to set up housekeeping anew for the second time this year.
So, was he hungry? Since Scoggins now has only himself to feed, we doubt it. Many restaurants offer large discounts to armed police officers, some even providing free meals in exchange for the presence of such a crime deterrent.
What next for former Food World employee Greg Scoggins? Since he has approximately 23 years before he can claim a full retirement, we foresee a future asking about either choice of bags or french fries.
(Shoalana Speaks - Dec 29, 2012)