Monday, January 28, 2013

Father: "My neighbor's dog attacked my son!"

GEORGIA -- A group jog turned dangerous for a Columbus family after a little boy is attacked by a neighbor's dog.

Jacob Mitchum, 8, laced up is running shoes with his father, mother, and two other siblings Thursday afternoon.

The family of five took off for a jog around their Oakland Park neighborhood.

His father, Marcus Mitchum, said they were heading back home when they noticed their neighbor, Elbert Martin struggling to control his dog.

Mitchum said the dog, a blond colored pit bull, broke away from Martin and headed straight for the family.

"The dog jumped in one leap onto my youngest son and basically attached to my son like a backpack," said Mitchum.

"What did your son do?" asked News Reporter Brittany Dionne.

"He balled down. He got on the ground like a tornado was coming. I honestly think that is what saved his life. If he would've been up any higher the dog would've been able to get his neck, I don't think I would have my youngest son with us right now," Mitchum explained.

Mitchum said his son had to get nine stitches in his ear. The little boy also suffered bruising to his arm, where Mitchum said the dog tried to bite him again.

The family is taking legal action against Martin.

Our calls to Martin for comment were not returned Friday.

(WTVM - Jan 27, 2013)