Saturday, March 2, 2013

Horror in Falkirk

UNITED KINGDOM -- A terrified family had to fight off a crazed dog as it attacked their two pets.

They then looked on in horror as the Staffordshire bull terror attacked and killed a cat in the street.

Three generations tried to save the tiny dogs after the snarling Staffie jumped the garden fence before coming into their home.

After they chased it outside, police officers had to call on specially-trained dog handlers to capture the blood-thirsty beast.

The incident took place close to the busy Tiptoes nursery, attended by dozens of toddlers.

Gran Elizabeth Gibb (66), of Valeview, had to be treated in hospital for bites and scratches to her arms.

She said: “It was awful. We’re all still having nightmares about it. The two wee dogs are nervy and frightened of everything. I didn’t feel the scratches at the time but it’s shocking that this can happen in someone’s home.”

Elizabeth had been visiting her daughter Claire Vanderster (42) at 49 Muirfield Road, Stenhousemuir, on February 19 when the incident occurred.

Also in the house were her granddaughter Chloe Arnott (20) and the family pets, Miy, a four-year-old Papillion and Bella-Rose, a one-year-old Pomeranian.

She added: “When the Staffie came into the house, we were shocked. Claire grabbed Miy but the other dog still went for her and was holding on to the poor wee thing. I don’t know how she managed to hold on to Miy with the Staffie holding on to him, but eventually she managed to get it outside.

“Then it savaged the cat which was just awful. Dogs like that shouldn’t be allowed in the street without a muzzle.”

Claire’s husband, Jack (48), revealed this was the second time the family’s pet had been attacked by this breed of dog. He said: “Last year, we were outside Asda in Stenhousemuir when a Staffie went for them. The owner of that dog was only up in court last week and fined £100.”

A spokeswoman for Central Scotland Police confirmed two arrests had followed this month’s incident.

She said: “A 22-year-old man was arrested and charged under the Dangerous Dogs Act. He was released on an undertaking to appear in court next month. A 49-year-old woman was also charged under the same Act and also released on an undertaking.”

(Falkirk Herald - March 1, 2013)