Saturday, March 23, 2013

Marble Falls animal control and police find dogs, cats living amid ‘mounds of feces’ in home

TEXAS -- Marble Falls animal control and police officers found 17 animals in “horrendous” conditions March 21 at a Northwood Drive residence with several facing possible euthanasia, officials said.

“It was horrible,” Marble Falls Police Capt. Glenn Hanson said. “There were mounds of feces. Our officers had to wear breathing apparatus from the fire department so they wouldn’t have to breath in that air.”

A city code enforcement officer first tried to contact the resident of the home after becoming aware of the unkempt and overgrown lawn. A neighbor told the city official the person who had lived there moved out several weeks ago.

“But (the code enforcement officer) thought how could that be possible, because he could hear dogs barking in the house,” Hanson said. The Marble Falls animal control officer responded to the residence and saw the animals in the home along with deplorable conditions.

Police obtained a search warrant from State District Judge Dan Mills and executed it March 21, Hanson said.

“I’ve never seen anything the likes of it,” Hanson said.

Officers found 17 animals, including dogs, cats, birds and at least two snakes in the home, the captain said.

“They found a couple snakes dead,” Hanson said.

The rest of the animals were transported to the animal control facility, where a veterinarian was scheduled to exam them March 22.

“It looks as if most of the dogs and cats will have to be euthanized,” Hanson said. “They were in poor shape.”

As of March 22, officers hadn’t filed any charges or hadn’t arrested anybody, but Hanson said he expects an arrest as the investigation continues.

(The River Cities Sunday Tribune - Mar 22, 2013)

Amanda Marie Ramirez, 34, of Kingsland was arrested March 22 by the Marble Falls Police Department (MFPD) for cruelty to non-livestock animals. She was released the same day after posting a $5,000 bond.