Saturday, March 2, 2013

Mauldin Girl Attacked by Pit Bull

SOUTH CAROLINA -- A 12-year-old Mauldin girl is on the mend after she was attacked by a pit bull earlier this week, according to a Maudin Police report.

The girl reportedly received several deep puncture wounds in the attack around her left eye and on one of her elbows, and received lacerations on her left arm and another elbow, the report said. The girl was treated and released from a local hospital.

The unidentified child said she had gone to a friend's house to borrow a movie when the attack occurred. One of the family's pit bulls managed to escape from the back yard fence and charged the girl and attacked her as she stood by the street in front of the house. The girl said she tried to run away from the dog but couldn't.

During the attack, the girl said her uncle who was nearby rushed over and punched the dog to get it off of her, and that her friend's brother finally managed to gain control of the dog.

The dog's owner, Charles E. Nesbitt, of 103 Hickory Lane, said he was inside his home at the time of the attack and was unaware his dog managed to escape.

Nesbitt and his son, along with police, secured the pit bull and two other dogs and placed them into separate kennels at the Mauldin City kennels on Jenkins Street, "due to the dogs being extremely aggressive and able to escape from the property fence," the incident report said.

Though the attack was ruled unintentional and accidental on the part of the owner, due to the vicious nature of the attack and the fact that the victim was a juvenile, Nesbitt was given a citation for failing to secure a dangerous animal, which carries a $465 fine. Nesbitt has been ordered to appear in court on April 10 to answer the charge, the report said.

(Maudlin Patch - March 1, 2013)