Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mesa woman accused of killing boyfriend's dog out of spite

ARIZONA -- A Mesa woman is denying charges that she killed her pregnant dog to spite her fiancé.  


Police say Megan Gehrman threw a 2-year-old Chihuahua, named Lucy, to the floor after a fight with her boyfriend.

The police report says Gehrman, "killed an innocent animal, unprovoked, and showed no remorse."

From behind the fence at her apartment, Gehrman told a different story.

"I've been crying all day long. I loved that dog," she told 3TV.

Gehrman insists she did not kill Lucy out of revenge, and calls her death an accident.


"I'm being followed, and people are sending nasty messages. I just lost my baby," she said.

Gehrman went to jail, and faces animal abuse and disorderly conduct charges.

( - March 21, 2013)