Tuesday, April 2, 2013

OH Sheriff's office refuses to force owners to take dog for needed vet care

OHIO -- The Scioto County Sheriff's Department has received over 100 calls from people across the country concerned about a dog from Eifort, Ohio. Pictures have been circulating for several days on social media of an emaciated dog chained outdoors. A picture of a deceased dog has also been circulating with those pictures.

Captain Robert Woodford with the Scioto County Sheriff's Department said his office has made several visits over the last few days to check on the dog, following the public outcry.

He said he went to the property personally Monday to see the dog for himself. Woodford said in his opinion the dog was fine and was being provided with food, water and shelter. He also said he searched the property and found no evidence of the deceased dog from the pictures.

The people who are keeping the dog chained at their home said they found him in the starved condition walking along the road and are trying to help him recover. Brandon Turvy said he has since named the dog Tai.

"I told mom, ‘that dog looks like it needs somebody'," Turvy said. "I'd rather take it in than see it get hit like all of the other animals I have seen."


Turvy said he feeds Tai every morning. Turvy's mom said she has been buying more nutritious dog food to try to help Tai put on weight. She said she has also called a veterinarian's office for advice but cannot afford to take him to be seen by a veterinarian at this time.

The family has other smaller dogs on the property as well.

"They want to pretty much try to take a dog that I like and want to continue to have and treat it well," Turvy said.

At least one of the people locally who has been leading the online effort to help the dog said Monday he wants to make certain the dog is receiving medical attention and getting the proper nutrition. He is now working to help the family help the dog.


The family said they would be willing to put Tai in a kennel if they had one and take him off of the chain. They said would also be willing to take him to the vet they just can't afford the cost at this time.

[Well that's just wonderful. They're 'willing' to put him in a kennel - IF SOMEONE BUYS IT FOR THEM. They're 'willing' to take him to a vet - IF SOMEONE ELSE PAYS FOR THE VET CARE.]

Captain Woodford said the Sheriff's Department is not planning to cite the family or take the dog.

(WOWK - April 1, 2013)