Sunday, May 19, 2013

Boy mauled by Staffordshire terrier released from hospital

UNITED KINGDOM -- A 12-year-old boy who needed surgery after he was mauled by a dog has been allowed home.

Terry Dunnigan was playing with the Staffordshire Bull Terrier in the back garden of his home in Mid Craigie, Dundee, when the animal, which was later destroyed, ripped into his leg.

The youngster was rushed to Ninewells Hospital and underwent reconstructive surgery on the wound described by his family as looking like a “shark bite”.

Recovering at home after a week on the children’s ward, the St Paul’s pupil said he was keen to get back to school.

Terry said: “It still feels really sore. I’m glad I am out of hospital now, though, because it was boring having to stay off school.

“I have just gone into second year and I missed that because I was off. But all my friends have been asking if I am OK.”

The youngster, who underwent a skin graft and has been sewn and stapled up, as well as having to learn to walk on crutches, said he was shocked when he saw his picture on the front page of the Tele following the attack. He said he didn’t realise how serious his injuries were at the time, adding: “It was a bit weird being in the Tele. I was on the front page and the first two pages inside. I’ve never been in the paper before.

“When the attack happened I thought it was just going to be a wee cut, but when my mum pulled my trousers off I saw it was a big chunk out my leg. I would still like to get a dog in the future.”

Mum Rose Peebles, 42, said she is relieved her son is now out of hospital, adding: “I think I have just come out of shock now he’s home.

“I’m feeling great now and Terry is doing OK. The doctor said his wound is looking good and he has just got the last of his stitches and staples out. He’s been getting a lot of attention — maybe too much! My house is packed with people coming to see him.”

Terry’s dad Jim wanted to thank everyone at Ninewells and also Dave, from H&J Pet Supplies, who has promised to help the family out with a new pet budgie for Terry.

A 39-year-old woman has been charged over the incident and reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

(Evening Telegraph - May 18, 2013)