Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fate of pit bull that attacked girl, 3, unknown

WASHINGTON -- A 3-year-old girl who was attacked by a pit bull on Sunday has been released from the hospital. Meanwhile, the fate of the dog responsible remains in question.

Clyde, the pit bull that bit toddler Janessa Sutterfield in the face in Hazel Dell, is now under quarantine at the Southwest Washington Humane Society. There’s fear the dog may have rabies because his last vaccination expired in 2011.

There’s also question of what to do with Clyde.

Officials say they will decide the dog's fate after 10 days, but noted that Clyde will likely be put down.

At the humane society on Monday, he seemed docile.

That’s a far cry from what he did on Sunday, according to neighbor Anson Service.

The attack happened at a duplex in the 3700 block of Northeast 80th Street in Hazel Dell. The pit bull belongs to a friend of a man who lives in the basement. The man's friend and the girl's family were both visiting the home when the dog bit the toddler in the face.

“There were bite marks here and bite marks here and across here,” Service said, gesturing at her face. “They said the dog got her this way.”

And Janessa’ mother is still upset about the attack.

“I honestly don’t know how the dog was raised, but I don’t agree with the dog being OK right now,” said (name) “It should be put down. For anything to do that to a child is not OK.”

Animal control officers said Clyde was licensed properly and doesn’t have a history of violence. The dog’s owner, Jessica Fix, is cooperating with the investigation.

Animal control officer Trisha Kraff said Sunday’s attack could lead Clyde to be classified as a dangerous dog.

“It did not sound like there was anything that would have intentionally promoted the dog to act in this manner,” Kraff said. “…The owner has elected to euthanize the dog, so it looks like that will happen.”

(KATU - May 21, 2013)


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