Saturday, May 18, 2013

Richmond man barking mad at city response after dog attack

VIRGINIA -- A Richmond man is barking mad. He claims he and his dogs were attacked by a pit bull in his own neighborhood.

Anthony Gerheart says the city is not doing anything to get the dangerous animal off the streets. It happened at the corner of Tarpley Road and Faye Street.

"It just started attacking my dogs," said Anthony Gerheart. "I had to let these guys go and grab a hold of him."

Gerheart says the pit bull mix then clamped down on his arm.

"Yes," said Anthony. "Fortunately, I was able to grab him before he really tore into the dogs."

A concerned neighbor sent 12 On Your Side a scathing note. She claims police sat and watched the dog lounge and walk off as they waited for animal control. Animal control allegedly only went as far as leaving a card in Anthony's door.

"It's their job to help protect the citizens," said Anthony. "I feel that this was just a let down."

We stopped by animal control. We were promised an interview, and then we were told to come back Monday.

"And there are children and everything else running around the neighborhood," notes Anthony.

Anthony is convinced others could be at risk.

"I definitely feel it's a threat to anybody walking in the community," said Anthony.

Anthony says the dog was wearing a collar, but he doesn't know if it has an owner. We will follow up with animal control on Monday.

(WWBT - May 17, 2013)