Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ilfracombe dog attack 'ripped cat in half'

UNITED KINGDOM -- A cat was ‘ripped in half’ and another had to be out down after a series of reports of out of control dogs in the Ilfracombe area.

Police said within the past few weeks they had received reports of at least five separate incidents where dogs were off the lead, attacking other animals or dangerously running into the road.

The earliest account was of a sickening incident at South Burrow Road in Ilfracombe on May 21, when two Staffordshire bull terrier type dogs were off the lead and pursued a cat when they saw it, ripping the poor animal in half.

On June 10 at Foreland View a pointer type dog picked a cat up in its jaws, causing such serious injury the animal had to be put down.

The day before in Combe Martin, a dog described as a bull mastiff type chased a cat through the open door of its home and then bit the owner of the house when he tried to chase the dog out again.

Inspector Roger Bartlett said they had seen an unusual number of incidents within a short period of time: “We’re working with the dog warden to address each of the issues but we’re also seeking the support of dog owners to make sure that they do all they can to keep their dogs under control,” he said.