Monday, June 17, 2013

Kitten cruelty being investigated

KENTUCKY -- On Saturday afternoon, investigators say three teens tortured, beat, and killed two kittens near the Lone Oak High School football field.

One teen took to Twitter to brag about the crime. In one picture labeled 'before,' the teen holds up an orange kitten. In the next picture, labeled 'after,' the lifeless body of the kitten is thrown over the side of a trashcan.

Lourdes Spencer, a local animal advocate, learned of the crime through social media and was one of the first to locate the cats.

She first spotted the orange kitten, recalling, "The cat's head was bashed in in the side and it's eyeball was popped out, it was just horrific."

Spencer later located a larger gray cat nearby, "It was sickening."

"I couldn't eat my dinner that night," she added.

The teen who initially bragged about the crime on Twitter, later claimed the kitten had been hit by a car.

Animal Control Officer Chrystal George took the dead animals to a local vet, "He's taken a look and said it's not appearing to be the case."

George said it was a large stone the teens used to kill the kittens and called it 'a murder weapon.'

Detectives with the McCracken County Sheriff's Department are continuing their investigation and say charges are likely in the days ahead. The teens will be charged with animal cruelty, which carries up to 12 months behind bars and a $500 fine.

(WPSD - June 17, 2013)