Sunday, June 2, 2013

Marion County man charged with felony animal abuse

MISSISSIPPI -- Patrick LeJuene, 50, of Smith Hill Road in Marion County has been charged with felony animal cruelty following Wednesdays raid at his home to remove neglected animals.

He was charge with a felony after Marion County authorities determined the neglect was an egregious act with malicious intent.

More than 200 neglected animals, many of them dead, were discovered living in filth, with no access to clean water or food. Some were kept in cages or enclosures, while others were found roaming the several acre property.

A team from the Humane Society of the United States and several area animal organizations were brought in Wednesday to remove the animals from the property.

The animals were brought to a temporary shelter in the Columbia area where a team of veterinarians did assessments on them through out the day Thursday. The HSUS rescue team remains behind to assist with the animals care.

"Once we remove them all, it's always a long day, said Lydia Satler, State Director, HSUS. "That's just the beginning of all the real hard work. We'll take a much closer look at all the animals, get them individual care, and treatment, and really just provide round the clock care until they are ready to be moved to other homes."

The animals will remain in quarantine until they are healthy enough to be moved out. As far as inquiries about adopting or fostering any of the animals, Satler says it's too early to think about that.

"Once they are healthy and ready for travel they will be placed in an emergency placement partner program and will be available for adoption through them."

LeJuene's wife was also taken into custody, but charges have yet to be filed against her.

(Other news sites spelling the name Patrick LeJeune)

(WDAM - May 31, 2013)