Saturday, June 15, 2013

Most awesome quote of the day: "The story does have a happy ending in that our horses killed the dog.... I'm proud of them!"

Name of owner of dog that attacked area horses released by Sheriff's Office

WISCONSIN -- The 3-year-old pit bull that attacked six horses at Free SPIRIT Riders Monday afternoon belonged to 35-year-old Christopher Cox, according to the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office.

Cox, who lives at W3894 Highway 23 near the non-profit organization’s property, was cited by officers Wednesday for having an animal running at large. Cox was also arrested on a warrant for failing to pay court fines on a misdemeanor possession of THC case.

Cox told officers he lives at the Highway 23 address with his parents and children. Cox told officers he was there with his son and dog, Ali, on Monday around 12:45 p.m. when his son accidentally let the dog outside, according to a Sheriff’s Office report.

The dog ran next door to the Free SPIRIT Riders property at W3950 Highway 23 and began attacking the horses, the report said. It is unknown what caused the dog to attack.

[Seriously? "It is unknown what caused the dog to attack"? Good Lord.]

According to the report, the dog was not vaccinated and Cox did not have insurance for it.

A Free SPIRIT Riders employee told officers she saw the dog running toward one of the horses, Mocha, and begin biting it. The employee freed the horse and the dog continued to attack, according to the report.

Other employees eventually got the dog into a vehicle, but the dog was released because she was ripping up the interior. When let out of the vehicle, the dog broke free from her leash and attacked the horses again, the report said.

In all, SIX OF THE TWELVE HORSES were attacked by this one dog.  The horses kicked the dog in self-defense and it died from related injuries, the report said.

The horses are expected to make a full recovery. Free SPIRIT Riders classes were canceled for the week, but are expected to resume in the near future, at first on a limited basis.

Free SPIRIT Riders is a non-profit organization that offers people with disabilities therapy through riding and grooming horses.

(FDL Reporter - June 14, 2013)