Saturday, June 15, 2013

Port Washington wants dog declared a public nuisance

WISCONSIN -- Port Washington city leaders are suing a couple over its pet. The city said the animal has bitten people and other animals.

"Beware of dog" signs are posted in front of Allyn and Tina Schoenfeld's Port Washington home.

Several neighbors told WISN 12 News the couple's dog terrorizes the neighborhood.

The civil case describes several incidents over the last two and half years involving the Schoenfeld's boxer-type dog, Rex.

According to court documents, the most severe incident was in November 2012.

Court documents show the dog apparently broke free from his leash and ran toward a neighbor's adult son, lunging at him.

The complaint said one of the owners, Tina, allegedly yelled, "Don't move, he bites."

The complaint said the dog knocked the man to the ground and attacked him, biting his hands, head, neck and groin areas, sending him to the emergency room.

Court documents show about a year earlier, Rex attacked a different neighbor's dog, biting its front legs.

This month, the dog is accused of charging a woman and her two young children on the sidewalk.
The city's lawsuit wants the dog to be found a public nuisance and to be euthanized.

Also in the complaint, the city cited seven ordinance violations on behalf of the couple, ranging from failing to report a dog bite, owning a vicious dog and not paying dog license fees for more than two years.

The complaint said Tina Schoenfeld has already been convicted in municipal court twice for having an unlicensed pet and keeping a vicious dog.

Neighbors told WISN 12 News they have tried to be cooperative, but the dog continues to be aggressive, and they hope it's taken away.

The lawsuit also said the couple hasn't provided a rabies vaccination certificate for the dog.

The city attorney and the police department did not return WISN 12 News' calls

(WISN - Jun 13, 2013)