Friday, July 12, 2013

Owner faces charges after horses removed from property

TENNESSEE -- The owner of seven horses seized from a Blount County property is now facing formal charges.

The Blount County SPCA says Blount County deputies arrested James Ford (James Crafton Ford Jr) at his home Wednesday night.

Horse Haven loaded up some of the horses seized from the property at the UT vet school Thursday. They stayed overnight at UT because of their conditions before being cleared to leave.

Horse Haven says it's still worried about two horses, a mother and foal, who it says are in bad shape.

"We register horses on a body score of one to 10 and we have two that are registering a one. So our big concern there is have they gotten rescued quick enough that they don't have internal damage going on inside with their liver and kidney," said Nina Margetson, the executive director of Horse Haven.

Horse Haven will care for the horses during court proceedings.

Previous story
Several horses were removed from a Blount County property Wednesday afternoon.

An animal welfare group, the Blount County SPCA, said the horses were starving when members of the group removed them from the Louisville area.

Authorities have not released any more information, but Horse Haven brought several horses to the UT Veterinary School's large animal hospital Wednesday evening.

The Blount County Humane Society is looking into the matter.

(WBIR - July 11, 2013)