Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pit bull quarantined after biting Waterford family

MICHIGAN -- A young pit bull dog who bit three Waterford adults is under quarantine at the Oakland County Animal Control center in Auburn Hills.

The 8-month-old male dog’s quarantine ends July 18, staff said. The Oakland Press is attempting to contact the family to check on their well-being.

Waterford police issued the family a warning for harboring a pit bull. Waterford Township ordinances in effect since 1990 prohibit residents from acquiring, possessing or maintaining a pit bull terrier in the township. Recently, many people have urged Waterford officials to eliminate the breed-specific ban.

The incident began Sunday, July 7, when Waterford police responded to the 400 Block of Hickory for a dog attack. When they arrived at 10:13 p.m., officers were told by the homeowner that multiple family members were bitten by the family dog, which was described as a brindle-color pit bull.

The homeowner did not know why the animal had attacked the family members, police said. The three family members, a 62-year-old man, and two women, 21 and 58, were transported to a local hospital for wounds to their arms that were not life-threatening. The dog was turned over to the Oakland County Animal Control.

Readers reacted strongly to the story about the incident.

“I did do some quick research,” rach1204 wrote on The Oakland Press website. “While pit bulls are the overwhelming offenders in bites and maulings, other breeds included Dobermans, German shepherds, bull dogs, and Alaskan malamutes. What made me curious about this study’s findings though, was that their numbers were taken from the Humane Society and media reports. Knowing how the media operates tells you that their data is already flawed.

“That being said, there were so many breeds not represented on any report at all. While they may have bitten at some point, they never did enough damage for it to be reported. I guess my position is that while I agree that you can’t write off an entire breed for some bad apples, you would be smart to at least be wary of any animal that has the ability to maim and kill with such ferocity.”

audit 21 wrote, “I’d be more than happy to bring one of my pit bulls over and let it off its leash. It would remain at my side and not stray. I can also bring six (disabled) people that own pits I’ve trained to assist them in their lives as well.”

Another commentor wrote: “(Pit bulls) have the ability to kill and maim people for life. A Labrador does not kill though it may bite. Sure there are a lot of good ones until they attack people, severely injuring them, including the family members that love them. Would you hand a child a loaded gun to play with? Keep your pit away from mine.”

MelissaD wrote, “My pit bull is 15 years old, I have had her since she was 12 weeks old and she has never and will never attack anyone. I think I know my dog pretty darn well after 15 years ... and yes, any dog can attack and maul, they all have teeth. The news only likes to report on pit bull attacks. Go online or to other news sites and you will find plenty of stories of other breed attacks.

“A Pomeranian and a Labrador mauled and killed a baby a few years ago, yet people want to say that no breed other than pit bulls could ever do something like this.”

(Oakland Press - July 11, 2013)