Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sheltie attacked by dog at boarding kennel

WASHINGTON -- To all dog owners out there:  We learned an important lesson last week.  If you are going to board your dog, first be sure the facility has well trained and supervised employees and a policy of not allowing large dogs near smaller dogs. 

We boarded our two Shelties (Shetland Sheepdogs) for the weekend last week and during our dog’s exercise time a new employee let a large American Boxer out of its cage to play with them. 

This dog came with instructions from the owner to keep it in its kennel and “not” put it with any other dogs… they obviously knew beforehand that their dog has an aggression problem.

Tragically the Boxer turned and viciously attacked and brutally mauled our dog, Dylan.  Thanks to the other kennel employees there at the time they were able to break the Boxer away from Dylan and do first aid and get him to a nearby veterinarian thus saving his life. 

But, our beloved and 100% gentle Dylan has been severely wounded bit from head to toe with massive wounds on his rear legs and he will be in intensive care at the vet hospital for the next three weeks and undoubtably require physical therapy after that to recover his strength.

Dylan, we love you!  Get well soon buddy!

(Chris Hartzog Music - July 4, 2013)