Sunday, August 18, 2013

Carlisle dog owner traumatised by attack on pet while out walking

UNITED KINGDOM -- Rachael Bell, 21, from Currock, was with her two Jack Russell-crosses, Bobby and Dougal, and her partner Paul when the pack of five dogs rounded on them as they walked across the Sheepmount.

Police are still hunting the owner of the dogs, a man described as being in his sixties, after the incident on Tuesday evening.

Two-year-old Bobby was left bitten and bleeding from the mouth during the attack. He also suffered an injuries to other parts of his body.

She said: “I tried to get them off but they kept turning round at me and snapping, I was hysterical. They were like wolves, they wouldn’t let go. Bobby was bleeding. They were circling around the other dogs as well.

“Paul was shouting at the man asking to put them on leads, he said that he didn’t have any and that’s all he said to us.”

Miss Bell said she was so traumatised by the incident that she now panics about taking her dogs out.

She said man stood by as his dogs, which were off leads, attacked Bobby and offered no apology to the couple.

Rachael added: “He never said sorry and didn’t show any remorse, nothing. My friend said she thought she saw him in Rickerby Park walking his dogs later in the week so he obviously doesn’t care.”

Bobby is now back at home. Rachael added: “He is wary of other dogs now and a bit wary of men which he wasn’t before, he was always playful.

“The first time we took him out, every time I saw another dog I was on edge. Now I panic when I let him off the lead. I also worry that he will snap at another dog after what has happened.

“He is back wagging his tail and taking all his tablets with a bit of ham.”

Rachael usually takes her dogs to Cummersdale for walks but decided to walk him around the Sheepmount for a change.

“The funny thing is we just take him to Cummersdale and down the river there because it is nearby, but Paul was doing some fitness training at the Sands Centre so we thought we would take him down there for a change. We won’t be taking him down there again,” she said.

Police say that they would like to speak to anyone who was in the area at the time of the incident and witnesses are urged to contact PC Lightfoot on 101.

(News & Star - Aug 18 2013)

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