Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Man, police officer attacked by 3 'vicious' pit bulls

WASHINGTON -- A Yakima Police Officer responded to the back of Del Monte at the railroad tracks late Tuesday for reports of three vicious dogs at large. The dogs were reported to be aggressive and dangerous; observed by employees of Del Monte.

The Police Officer located the three dogs and kept them in sight while waiting for Animal Control Officers to respond. While waiting, the dogs circled around a shed and escaped through a hole in the fence in the 100 block of Division and attacked the Officer. The Police Officer sustained several minor dog bites to both lower legs. The wild dogs retreated after the Officer sprayed them with pepper spray and were not located at that time. The Police Officer was treated at a local hospital and released from duty for the remainder of his shift. He will be able to return to work next week.

At 0355 hrs., Yakima Police Officers again responded to the 100 block of Division for 911 calls for help with a dog attack. The 48 year old male victim was walking his dog along the railroad tracks when he was attacked by the three vicious dogs described above. An employee of a nearby business heard his cries for help and ran to assist the victim. The witness threw several large rocks at the dogs and hit them with a wood post, finally getting the dogs to retreat. The victim was severely injured with countless deep wounds to his head, face, arms, torso and legs. He was taken by ambulance to a local hospital and is being treated for his injuries. The victim and his dog will survive the attack.

After the second attack, a team of seven Police Officers contained the general area and started searching for the vicious dogs on foot. The dogs were located in the vicinity of the attack and police were able to shoot one of the dogs dead. A second was wounded with probable fatal injury and it ran east and south along the tracks with the third dog. The officers followed a blood trail from the wounded dog, however the search had to be terminated when officers met a field with stacks of wood and debris making it unsafe to search for the remaining dogs.

At this time, the uninjured dog was spotted in the same general area but officers were unable to contain it.

The Yakima Police Department and Animal Control Officers are continuing the investigation and attempting to locate the remaining dog and identify its owner. Citizens are urged call 911 and use caution if in this area and confronted by a tan Pit-Bull/Mix dog. The remaining dog is approximately 25-30 pounds with short, tan hair.

(KIMA - Aug 21 2013)


  1. it was only a pit mix ....couldnt have been that bad . pits are awesome dogs anyway so the officers and witnesses musta been over-reacting .

  2. pepper spray?! should have sprayed lead. now those ugly things are on the loose.
