Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kitten Rescued from Storm Drain in Yuba City

CALIFORNIA -- A Yuba City kittens cries for help didn’t go unnoticed last week after it fell into a storm drain.

According to Yuba City officials, a resident walking near Harter Road and Red Haven Avenue heard the kitten’s meows from 12 feet below street level at some point last Friday.

The resident sprang for help, and soon Sutter Animal Services along with Fire and Public Works Department crews showed up. The crews were able to jerry-rig a device that would lower a maintenance worker down into the drain.

A maintenance worker was then lowered into the drain and was able to lure the kitten into his arms.

Animal Services examined the kitten and found it to be about four weeks old. The kitten was hungry and tired, but was in relatively good health at the time of the rescue.

The kitten has since been adopted by the maintenance worker who pulled it from the drain.

(KTXL - Sept 11, 2013)

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