Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pensioner’s horrific wounds after he tried to rescue his pet dog from the jaws of savage canine

UNITED KINGDOM -- A pensioner spent three days in hospital and needed 45 stitches after suffering horrific head wounds when he was savaged by dogs.

Tony Sherborne, 71, was walking his beloved pet dog Max when the little Lhasa Apso was attacked by two other dogs that were running loose.

The retired paint-sprayer and cleaner had to prise open the jaws of one of the snarling strays to save his six-year-old pet.

While he was wrestling with one animal, the other turned on him, biting his head and both hands.

The bloody attack was so severe Mr Sherborne needed 30 stitches for the wounds to his head, and another 15 for the bites on his hands.

Max also needed stitches after being bitten repeatedly by the two dogs, leaving Mr Sherborne and his wife Sue with a vet’s bill for £1,000.

Recalling his ordeal Mr Sherborne, from Sheffield in South Yorkshire, said: 'Max was on his lead and I could see these two loose dogs coming towards me. All of a sudden one of them got hold of Max and picked him up in its mouth.

'I dropped down on to my knees to protect Max and I grabbed the dog that had him in its mouth. I had to prise its jaws open to pull him away. While I was trying to fend it off the other one came at me, biting me all over my head.'

The attack took place on open land near a recycling plant. He manged to keep hold of one of the dogs long enough to tie it to a nearby fence.

Mr Sherborne said: 'I didn’t want it getting off and either getting Max again or getting some other pet or dog walker.

'People at the dump-it site came out to help me and they called the police and an ambulance because blood was pouring from my head and into my eyes so I could barely see.'

Police seized the dog that Mr Sherborne had tied to the fence, but the other animal ran away. They are now investigating the attack.

Mr Sherborne added: 'The dog should have been shot by the police there and then. They are both dangerous.

'I am also upset we have had to find all this money for the vet through no fault of our own.'

A South Yorkshire Police spokesman said: 'The incident has been reported and we are investigating.'

(Daily Mail - Sept 20, 2013)

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