Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pit bulls brutally attack Yorkie in Northeast

WASHINGTON -- Leah, 1, is out of surgery. She is a bit groggy, but the Yorkie mix is finally turning a corner.

"She came in shock," said Veterinarian Dr. Ashley Gallagher. "Her body temperature had dropped. She was not very responsive... We started emergency care right away and started to resuscitate her."

On Friday morning, Leah’s owner was walking her on a leash in the 2500 block of Benning Road Northeast when three pit bulls suddenly attacked.

The pit bulls’ owner says his dogs somehow broke out through the backyard fence.

"I came from the store and they were biting him then," said Kevin Brown. "I couldn't do nothing. I told the police, you have to do what you have to do. I can't stop the dog."

A D.C. police officer ended up having to shoot and kill one of the pit bulls, while Animal Control took the other two.

At the animal hospital, the veterinarian discovered that Leah’s hind leg was mangled and she had lost a lot of blood.

"This was such a horrific thing to have such a tiny little dog attacked by three larger dogs," she says.

Leah needs extensive surgery costing thousands of dollars. A woman in the waiting room happened to hear what had happened and offered to help.

"Our client stepped forward and wanted to do what she could, so we're very thankful for her. And the hospital will also match her donation," says Dr. Gallagher. "She is an incredibly lucky little dog."

(WJLA - Sept 20, 2013)

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