Friday, October 25, 2013

Dog rescued from sinking in Thames mud reunited with owner

UNITED KINGDOM -- The story of the missing dog which almost sank beneath the Thames mud ended happily after the animal was reunited with her relieved owner.

Last week we told how Poppy, a 13-year-old collie, was rescued by firefighters minutes before she would have become submerged after she went missing near Fulham Reach.

Shaking, distressed and in shock, the pet, who is deaf, was taken to Putney Animal Hospital and treated by vets, who did not know who the owner was.

After 48 hours, the owner, who is from Oxfordshire, called the charity and was delighted when she was told a dog fitting Sophie’s description was safe and well and ready for collection.

The woman, who does not want to be named, explained: “I was visiting my daughter who lives in Fulham and Poppy was with us.

“I was cooking a meal and set the smoke alarm off, so someone opened a door to let the smoke out and I think Poppy was so frightened by the noise that she bolted.

“We didn’t notice she was missing for about two hours. Later that night we learned she had been spotted near Craven Cottage but we went out and couldn’t find her.

“It was extremely worrying and we were beginning to lose hope. She is very old and deaf and is unfamiliar with London.”

Posters were put up and witnesses to the rescue approached the Chronicle.

Poppy has since returned home where she has spent most of her time asleep.

The grateful owner said: “I must thank the fire crews who rescued her and all the people who got in touch with the paper to try and spread the word.

“Luckily this had a happy ending and we are extremely pleased to have her back.”

(Get West London - Oct 21, 2013)

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