Monday, October 21, 2013

Pit bull decides to bite the hand that feeds it - a second time

TEXAS -- A 6-year-old girl was repeatedly attacked by a pit bull dog, who has a history of similar attacks. The girl was taken to a hospital in San Antonio, TX.

Carmen Guerra Peña, mother of the child, was also bitten in the shoulder while trying to rescue  her daughter. The father had to unlock the dog’s jaws to release the child. can object. The dog is not vaccinated against rabies.

The incident occurred Oct. 16 at 7 p.m., on Calle Saltillo St.

The girl received small bites in various parts of her body, particularly on the sides, around the abdominal area.

“The child was admitted to the Laredo Medical Center and then transferred to San Antonio, where the mother accompanied her. The woman also received care for a bite in one her shoulder,” said Joe Baeza, police spokesperson.

This is not the first attack by this dog. The pit bull was captured by members of the Animal Control Division and will be quarantined for 10 days.

(Laredo Sun - Oct 20. 2013)

1 comment:

  1. "Small bites"? Was this a small pitbull?
    How did the reporter determine they were small bites?
    Are there pictures?
