Friday, October 18, 2013

Virginia: Despite his Pit Bulls mauling a man and being shot by police, owner claims they're "not bad dogs"

VIRGINIA -- Richmond Animal Control has issued two summonses to a dog owner after a dog attack near a school bus stop.

Richmond Police say Pharoah Mosby's two dogs attacked a man around 7:45 a.m. Thursday near Midlothian Turnpike and Erich Road.

When officers arrived, they found a man pinned against a building by the two large dogs.

"It breaks my heart," said neighbor Mary Eagles. "But I wanted to let somebody know the truth. These were not bad dogs. These dogs did tricks. My grandson played with them. He is only 9 years old, and he played with them. He was fascinated by their tricks."

Police say the dogs charged at the officer, who waited until he had a clear shot and fired at them, killing one and injuring the other. The dogs have both died.

"Somebody came in this yard and cut the dogs leash and let the dogs loose," said Mary. "So of course when the cops came they thought they were bad dogs, and they shot them!"

An officer tried to distract the dogs while several other officers rounded up children waiting at bus stops and moved them to safety.

"I feel sorry if they were running around with kids and stuff," said Pharoah Mosby who owned the dogs. "But that's not under my control. My dogs were taken from me. My leashes and stuff were snipped."

Mosby notes he has no trespassing signs in his yard. He showed us the wires he used to secure the dogs. Mosby says the wires were cut.

"It has consequences," said Mosby. "What do you want me to do? You took my dogs, and you got bit. If you are out need to come forward."

The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment of his dog bite. Mosby has been charged with having an unleashed dog and not having a current rabies vaccination.

(WWBT - Oct 18, 2013)

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