Friday, October 25, 2013

Stockbridge woman and her dogs attacked by pit bulls

GEORGIA -- A woman is out of surgery and in stable condition after she was attacked by two dogs in her subdivision Thursday afternoon.

The woman was life-flighted to Atlanta Medical Center in serious condition after the attack had occurred.

Detectives identified the owners of the two loose pit bull mix dogs Thursday evening. No names were released.

Henry County Police said the woman was walking her poodle in the Windsong Plantation subdivision, when she and her dog were attacked by what officers called "pit bull mix" dogs.

They said the dogs attacked the poodle first, then attacked the woman, who had picked up the poodle to protect it. Her blind Sheltie managed to escape and run to safety (it was later found).

A neighbor who saw the incident called 911. In the video clip, he said he was certain the woman would have been killed... describing the attack by the pit bulls as "relentless".

[Isn't that what dog fighters bred into pit bulls? Their 'gameness"? The relentless desire to keep attacking over and over until the opponent/prey is dead.]

When officers arrived, the woman was still being attacked. The officer shot and killed both attacking dogs.

The woman bled so much from the attack that the fire department was called to hose down the street.

Investigators said the woman suffered facial injuries and had a significant amount of blood loss.

The case is still under investigation.

(WXIA-TV - Oct 24, 2013)

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