Friday, November 22, 2013

Cork man convicted of horrific animal cruelty

UNITED KINGDOM --An 80 year old Cork man has been convicted of animal cruelty and banned from ever owning dogs again for what a senior Garda Inspector described as "The most graphic and horrific case of animal cruelty that he has dealt with in his career".

 Judge Brian Sheridan also imposed a three month suspended sentence and said "If he was a younger man, I would lock him straight up without hesitation". 

Judge Sheridan had previously issued a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Andrew Doherty of Rowels, Meelin, Co. Cork after he failed to appear at two previous sittings of Mallow District Court.  The case resulted from a visit made to the property of Mr. Doherty by ISPCA Inspector Lisa O’Donovan in February of this year.

 On responding to a complaint made to the charity’s Helpline, Inspector O’Donovan found four emaciated Collies locked in filthy dark sheds. She also made the grisly discovery of four other dead Collies, one still chained within the shed.

The live dogs were described as “skeletal” with one weighing in at only 5.5 Kg, less than one third of its optimum weight. They were extremely nervous and it took hours of gentle coaxing to get even the slightest wag of a tail.

“This was a particularly horrendous act of cruelty”, commented Inspector O’Donovan, “Although we managed to save four of the dogs, one cannot help but think of the poor dogs that perished.”

Judge Sheridan praised the work of the ISPCA and in particular the welfare inspector Lisa O'Donovan who he said had "persisted" on seeing the other property on Mr Doherty's holding, despite being told an untruth.

The four surviving dogs were taken to the ISPCA’s National Animal Centre where they underwent months of rehabilitation to address their physical and mental problems.  All were eventually rehomed with experienced owners where they needed more time to overcome their difficult pasts.

“This case highlights what the work of the ISPCA is all about” said the society’s Chief Inspector Conor Dowling, “the 3 R’s – Rescue, Rehabilitation and Rehoming. And, when there is evidence of a criminal offence of cruelty, we will endeavor to have those responsible held accountable”.

(ISPCA - Nov 21, 2013)


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