Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pit Bull Allegedly Attacks Woman

MISSISSIPPI -- woman is in the hospital after she claims she was attacked by a pit bull this afternoon in South Jackson.  Police aren't saying much, and we want to warn you the video we have of the woman's wounds is graphic.

The attack happened around 3:30 this afternoon on Savanna Street near Terry Road.

"I heard a lady screaming," recalls a neighbor.

Faydra Young lives a few houses down from where she tells us the attack happened.

"I ran outside and she was being attacked by a dog," continues Young.

News Channel 12 obtained this cell phone video of the woman.  Her calves are all bloody from where the pit bull allegedly bit her.  Several neighbors ran to help.

"My dad went in the garage and got a stick and started hitting the dog," adds Tavighn Kirk.

When we arrived on the scene, animal control captured one of the three dogs running loose in the neighborhood.  Then, we heard three gun shots.  And, there was no more barking from the back yard.

"This pit bull was especially aggressive," expresses another neighbor.

Jerry Jones says the dogs have terrorized the neighborhood, adding this isn't the first time an attack has happened.

"There have been a couple of times animal control has been out here.  We got grand-babies and the dog was running around here," explains Jones.

Jackson Police tell us this is an ongoing investigation.  No word yet if the homeowners are facing any charges.

(WJTV - Nov 11, 2013)

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