Saturday, December 7, 2013

Hyannis pit bull seized after walker's dog is killed

MASSACHUSETTS -- Barnstable animal control officials have seized a pit bull that allegedly killed a Yorkshire terrier Tuesday by ripping its stomach out.

The pit bull — an American Staffordshire terrier — and another dog reportedly escaped from the 17 Thach Lane home where they were staying at about 4 p.m., Barnstable senior animal control officer Charles Lewis said.

A man who was walking his Yorkshire terrier in the area scooped the smaller dog into his arms, Lewis said.

The pit bull jumped up and ripped the stomach out of the Yorkshire terrier, killing it almost instantly, Lewis said.

"He died in his arms," Lewis said.

The dog then circled the man three or four times before being called back, Lewis said.

A neighbor called the police and by the time animal control officers arrived the pit bull was back in the house, Lewis said.

On Wednesday animal control officials returned to the home and seized the pit bull, he said.

A hearing will be scheduled to determine what to do about the dog, he said.

"We will actually hold the dog until we go through all of the appeal process," he said.

The dog's owner, David Henning, has the right to appeal any decision, Lewis said.

The Yorkshire terrier was an older dog, and the pit bull is about a year old, according to its owner, Lewis said.

The pit bull was unlicensed, but the owner said it had been vaccinated for rabies, Lewis said.

(Cape Cod Online - Dec 5, 2013)

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