Sunday, December 15, 2013

Owner of repeat offender, court-declared dangerous pit bull says he doesn't understand why dog seized by Animal Control

MINNESOTA -- The City of Minneapolis said Animal Control declared a family's pet pit bull a "dangerous dog" as she [attacked] another dog last year and again this year.

However, the dog's owner says Animal Control took her from his home without warning, and now, he's fighting for his dog's life.

For the last 3 years, Brad Loveless' 3-year-old pit bull Sasha has been a beloved member of the family, but now all he has of her are a few toys, an empty bed and a heavy heart.

"Appalled. I can't believe they would take her without giving me any kind of reason," Loveless said.

Loveless says Sasha was home alone with his roommate earlier this week when an officer from Minneapolis Animal Control came by to check on her because she was declared a "dangerous dog."

After asking Loveless' roommate whether he let Sasha out or took her for walks, to which he answered "yes," Loveless says the officer removed Sasha from her kennel and took her to the pound without leaving any paperwork or explaining why.

"I'm concerned for my dog. I can't believe they would do that. I'm terrified for her. She's sitting in a kennel. I can't even go see her. I don't know if she's even alive," Loveless said.

Loveless says what's worse is that when he and his family went to Animal Control the next day to find out why Sasha had been taken.

According to Loveless, not only would workers not let them see her, they called police on Loveless claiming he'd tried to climb through the counter window with a sharp object and officers told them they couldn't come back to the pound for a year.

"She hasn't been aggressive and hasn't done any harm. No complaints against her and they will come in my son's home and take his dog from him," Loveless' mother said.

Ironically, the Loveless family rescued Sasha from other owners twice, including once after a tornado blew through north Minneapolis. Now, they pray they can do it again and hopefully this time will be the last.

"I'm very, very upset and I just want my dog back," Loveless said.

A city spokesperson says Animal Control impounded Sasha after learning she was being let out without a muzzle -- a violation of owning a "dangerous dog."

The spokesperson also said whatever Animal Control decides to do with Sasha the Loveless family has a right to appeal all the way to the State Court of Appeals.

(KMSP - Dec 15, 2013)


  1. this is such a great photo of him. i think it realy shows his love for animals.

    this photo shows brad's love of pit bulls. he loves the mayhem they create. his role is to ensure mutant's manifest destiny, terrorizing other life forms.

  2. and mommy was pimping for donations for legal aid and dangerous dog insurance.

    a family of dangerous nutters. fuck. i hate these people.

  3. looking at this punk's photos gives me an eery foreshadow columbine feeling.

  4. Dawn you hit that right on the head with those photos. That is a scary looking kid.
