Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Pit Bull Shot After Attacking Lafayette Cyclist

LOUISIANA -- Animal Control officials arrived at the home on Carmel Drive on Monday afternoon, finding a pit bull that had been shot.

"They were mauling this guy's leg", says Colby Patout, one of the two eyewitnesses on the scene.

The witnesses go on to say the two pit bulls attacked the man as he rode his bike in front of the home, biting his legs and eventually pulling him off the bike.

That's when Patout and Debra Richard, another witness, sprang into action. Richard blocked traffic with her vehicle, and Patout grabbed his gun.

 "As he was trying to help the dog was approaching him, and he shot. And from there it was just total chaos after that", says Richard.

Patout goes on to say, "I just reacted. I knew my pistol was there, I grabbed it, jumped out the vehicle. I knew this guy needed his life saved at this point. I would want you to stop and do the same for me".

A neighbor who helped the victim after the attack says his leg was seriously injured, and bleeding excessively. She says the victim his lucky to be alive.

 As for the man who fired shots at the dog? Lafayette Police say he will not face charges...his actions were in good faith, to save the life of the man being attacked, as well as his own.

 "This is what our fire arms and the United States is all about. Is saving lives", says Patout. "I just hope that doesn't happen to someone else. And if someone sees something like this happen, stop. Just stop", says Richard.

 As for the fate of the owner of the pit bulls? Animal Control says they now have one of the pit bulls, and the case is under investigation. If criminal charges are to be filed against the owner, those charges will come from Lafayette Police.

(KATC Lafayette News - Dec 23, 2013)

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