Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sheriff's Deputy tries to ruin kids' Christmas with stupid lights

FLORIDA -- Drive around one neighborhood in Palm Beach Gardens and you will see plenty of homeowners who are in the holiday spirit.

They've put up Christmas lights, nativity scenes and inflatable Santas and snowmen.

But one homeowner, who is also a Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office deputy, is getting mixed reactions for what is in his front yard.

The deputy, who admits he's an avid hunter, has a reindeer made of lights hanging upside-down from a tree.

The plastic reindeer has red lights coming from his mouth to the ground to simulate blood dripping from its mouth.

A sign sits next to the display that reads, "Venison, it's whats 4 dinner."

The deputy, who didn't want to be identified, said he has no problem with it.

His neighbor, Alan Bessette, said he doesn't have a problem with it, either.

"Kind of strange," Bessette told WPBF 25 News.

Linda Vannatta lives across the street. She said the display is offensive.

"I think Christmas as being the time for joy," Vannatta said. "Hunting, I know, is a part of life. People do it and have always done it. But it doesn't seem like a Christmas thing to me."

A neighbor called code enforcement on the deputy, but city officials said there is nothing they can do.

(WPBF - Dec 19, 2013)

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