Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sandy the wonky dog gets life-changing surgery after being rescued from Greece

UNITED KINGDOM -- A dog abandoned in Greece because of his extreme bow legs is going from wonky to walkies after being brought to Britain.

Sandy, a loveable ten-month-old German Shepherd who is also partially sighted, had faced a life of misery with his crippling deformity.


A nutritional problem is thought to have made his front legs seriously bowed and his Greek owner gave up on him.

His plight came to the attention of Pat Clark, who runs a dogs charity in Cambridge, and she launched an appeal to bring him to Britain.

Generous animal lovers donated hundreds of pounds to pay for his transportation and treatment.

Sandy arrived a month ago and last week had the initial operation to fix one of his legs with his right being treated first. 

The complicated procedures are being carried out for free by surgeon Chaim Pilosof who is a partner at Companion Care vets in Cambridge.

Chaim said: ‘So far it has gone really well. At the moment he is on cage rest because he needs to rest a lot but he is already trying to do much more than we allow him to.

‘We are seeing improvements already and he is walking much more comfortably and faster than before and that is just with one leg fixed.’

Chaim and colleagues have also started physiotherapy on Sandy's straightened right leg and hope to carry out hydrotherapy when his left leg has been treated.

Other donors have provided the money for other treatment, including an MRI scan at a reduced price and a visit to an eye specialist.

The plates needed to straighten his legs, which normally cost around £200, have been donated for free.

Chaim, who is carrying out the operations on his day off, added: ‘A lot of other people have helped with what he needs.

‘A lot of good people have helped him and a lot of people donated money. He is a lovely dog. He is very gentle and loving. You really could not wish for a nicer dog.’

A local Pets at Home branch have also supplied Sandy with a new bed and toys.

Pat Clark, who runs the Mutts in Distress charity, has decided to adopt him when his operations are complete.

She said: ‘I saw his picture and that was it. We had to get him over. I am over the moon with his progress. I am speechless and overwhelmed by people's kindness and generosity shown to an abandoned dog.

‘A month ago he had no hope of ever walking properly or hope of the gift of sight. No-one had heard his name or knew of his existence.

‘Here he is now, facing a whole new life, happy and safe, thanks to people prepared to give.’

(Daily Mail - Jan 28, 2014)


  1. That is so cool!!
    Now if only people had such hearts wand wallets open for innocent pitbull attack victims :/
